TDS Meter / Temperature Meter

(with carrying case)


Ideal for all water purification applications, wastewater regulation, aquaculture, hydroponics, and colloidal silver.
Perfect for both consumer or commercial use.
Carry one in your pocket or toolbox at all times!


Rp 350.000,-

Ideal for commercial use. Includes a carrying case with belt clip.
Highly efficient and accurate due to its advanced microprocessor technology.
Hold Function: saves measurements for convenient reading and recording.
Auto-off function: the meter shuts off automatically after 10 minutes of non-use to conserve batteries.
Measurement Range: 0-9990 ppm. From 0-999 ppm, the resolution is in increments of 1ppm. From 1000 to 9990 ppm, the resolution is in increments of 10ppm, indicated by a blinking 'x10' image.
Built-in digital thermometer
Display: large and easy-to-read LCD screen.
Factory Calibrated: our meters are calibrated with a 342 ppm NaCl solution. Meters can be recalibrated with a mini-screwdriver.

TDS Range: 0 - 9990 ppm (mg/L)
Temp. Range: 0 - 80 degrees Celsius
Resolution: 1 ppm, 1 degree Celsius (also available in 10 ppm)
Accuracy: +/- 2%
ATC: Built-in sensor for Automatic Temperature Compensation of 1 to 50 degrees Celsius (33 to 122 degrees Fahrenheit)
Power source: 2 x 1.5V button cell batteries (included)
Battery life: 1000 hours of usage
Dimensions: 15.5 x 3.1 x 2.3cm (6.1 x 1.25 x 1 inches)
Weight with case: 76.5g (2.7 oz)
Weight without case: 56.7g (2 oz)



TDS (Total Disolved Solids) adalah zat-zat padat terlarut dalam air. Dengan TDS meter kita bisa melihat seberapa banyak zat-zat padat tersebut yang larut dalam air, dimana satuan yang digunakan adalah ppm (part per million).

warna hijau
bahan pencemar: kuprum peroksida, klorin
gangguan pada tubuh : ginjal, sistem saraf pusat, bahan karsinogen

warna hitam
bahan pencemar :raksa, plumbum, logan berat, kalsium, magnesium peroksida
gangguan pada tubuh :ginjal, sistem saraf pusat, kerusakan sel darah merah, batu ginjal

warna putih / grey
bahan pencemar : alumunium, arsenik, mucilage/getah, asbestos
gangguan pada tubuh : hati/lever, sistem saraf, bahan karsinogen, bakteri, virus, alga

warna biru
bahan pencemar : alumina sulfat, organik fosfat , racun tumbuhan (pestisida)
gangguan pada tubuh : sistem saraf, hati/lever, ginjal

warna oranye / coklat
bahan pencemar : besi peroksida
gangguan pada tubuh : gangguan pada saluran air seni, ketidakseimbangan metabolisme